It’s a great thing to have an island in your kitchen. For housewives, it provides storage area in additional to the cabinets and sometimes it’s an extra cook-top. For kids, a kitchen island is a great place to do homework or help preparing dinner within close eye view of their parents. A kitchen island can also act as a lovely dining area for the kids or as an additional seating area when you have many guests.
In this article we collected many awesome kitchen island design ideas for your inspiration. These versatile kitchen island ideas can be modified to suit your needs. Do you want to have more storage space? Or do you need a kitchen island to help placing kid’s height amenities like a microwave and refrigerated drawer in reach? Or you just want a display space to make your kitchen look more beautiful. Browse these photos of kitchen islands to find decorating ideas for kitchen islands, kitchen islands designs, kitchen island color scheme, lighting for kitchen islands, kitchen islands stools, and more.

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